Although the other answers are correct, in current versions of Mongoid the includes method is the best way to achieve the desired results. In previous versions where includes was not available I have found a way to get rid of the n+1 issue and thought it was worth mentioning.
In my case it was an n+2 issue.
class Judge
include Mongoid::Document
belongs_to :user
belongs_to :photo
def as_json(options={})
id: _id,
photo: photo,
user: user
class User
include Mongoid::Document
has_one :judge
class Photo
include Mongoid::Document
has_one :judge
controller action:
def index
@judges = Judge.where(:user_id.exists => true)
respond_with @judges
This as_json response results in an n+2 query issue from the Judge record. in my case giving the dev server a response time of:
Completed 200 OK in 816ms (Views: 785.2ms)
The key to solving this issue is to load the Users and the Photos in a single query instead of 1 by 1 per Judge.
You can do this utilizing Mongoids IdentityMap Mongoid 2 and Mongoid 3 support this feature.
First turn on the identity map in the mongoid.yml configuration file:
host: localhost
database: awesome_app
identity_map_enabled: true
Now change the controller action to manually load the users and photos. Note: The Mongoid::Relation record will lazily evaluate the query so you must call to_a to actually query the records and have them stored in the IdentityMap.
def index
@judges ||= Awards::Api::Judge.where(:user_id.exists => true)
@users = User.where( =>
@photos = Awards::Api::Judges::Photo.where( =>
respond_with @judges
This results in only 3 queries total. 1 for the Judges, 1 for the Users and 1 for the Photos.
Completed 200 OK in 559ms (Views: 87.7ms)
How does this work? What's an IdentityMap?
An IdentityMap helps to keep track of what objects or records have already been loaded. So if you fetch the first User record the IdentityMap will store it. Then if you attempt to fetch the same User again Mongoid queries the IdentityMap for the User before it queries the Database again. This will save 1 query on the database.
So by loading all of the Users and Photos we know we are going to want for the Judges json in manual queries we pre-load the data into the IdentityMap all at once. Then when the Judge requires it's User and Photo it checks the IdentityMap and does not need to query the database.