None of this works for me. The form submit's ajax function still just calls the callback function directly, bypassing validation, submit, and also making it so the button cannot be clicked multiple times. The validation messages do NOT get displayed. I literally copied and pasted Joshua Stewardson code and it did not work.
The fact that this usage case is so hard and undocumented is very upsetting. To me, this seems like the most basic of requests for an AJAX form API. Okay, done venting my frustration, onto the solution.
Here's what I ended up doing to get this to work. It feels wrong. It will also break if there are multiple instances of the form on a single page, but it was the best I could do. If anyone can shed light on this, PLEASE do!
Basically, you have to replace the whole form with itself inside your callback, and manually prepend any set messages to the form object. Do this by declaring the wrapper to be the id of your form (it will break if there are multiple instances of your form on a single page, because the ID will be updated).
function productsearchbar_savesearch_form($form, &$form_state) {
$form["wrapper"] = array("#markup" => "<div class='inline-messages'></div>");
$form["name"] = array(
"#type" => "textfield",
"#required" => true,
"#title" => "Name"
$form["submit"] = array(
"#type" => "submit",
"#value" => "Send",
"#ajax" => array(
"callback" => "productsearchbar_savesearch_form_callback",
"wrapper" => "productsearchbar-savesearch-form",
"effect" => "fade"
return $form;
function productsearchbar_savesearch_form_callback($form, &$form_state) {
$messages = theme('status_messages');
$form["wrapper"] = array("#markup" => "<div class='inline-messages'>$messages</div>");
return $form;
function productsearchbar_savesearch_form_validate($form, &$form_state) {
if ($form_state['values']['name'] == '') {
form_set_error('', t('Name field is empty!'));
function productsearchbar_savesearch_form_submit($form, &$form_state) {
drupal_set_message(t('Your form has been saved.'));
). Also the error messages are automatically loaded into thewrapper
element by default so once you've got the first bit fixed it should just fall right into place. Could you post some more of your code? – Illuminati