I copy websocket example from boost::beast website and run it Websocket session work fine but I don't know how to convert received multi_buffer to string.
below code is websocket session handler.
do_session(tcp::socket &socket) {
try {
// Construct the stream by moving in the socket
websocket::stream <tcp::socket> ws{std::move(socket)};
// Accept the websocket handshake
while (true) {
// This buffer will hold the incoming message
boost::beast::multi_buffer buffer;
// Read a message
boost::beast::error_code ec;
ws.read(buffer, ec);
if (ec == websocket::error::closed) {
// Echo the message back
cout << "Close" << endl;
catch (boost::system::system_error const &se) {
// This indicates that the session was closed
if (se.code() != websocket::error::closed)
std::cerr << "Error: " << se.code().message() << std::endl;
catch (std::exception const &e) {
std::cerr << "Error: " << e.what() << std::endl;
Is there way to convert buffer to string ?
std::ostringstream os; os << boost::beast::buffers(body.data()); std::string s = os.str();
– Veolaver