Update: iTerm2 v3 has much-improved, but incompatible AppleScript support - see https://www.iterm2.com/documentation-scripting.html
To provide some background to @Joel's own answer:
iTerm 2's AppleScript support (as of iTerm 2 v1.0.0.201306220):
is incomplete: there is no support to script split panes - hence the OP is resorting to the suboptimal technique of sending keystrokes.
exhibits some bizarre behavior: when compiling (in AppleScript Editor) a tell "System Events" ...
statement inside a tell application "iTerm"
block, the prefix i term application
is inexplicably inserted before the "System Events"
- since the code below is not precompiled, this prefix is not included so as to avoid problems in the future.
has bugs / is inconsistent with its dictionary: what the dictionary describes as the exec
command - which doesn't actually work - is in reality fulfilled by the write text
command: it executes the argument passed or - if the argument has a trailing space - simply "types" the argument without submitting it.
Here's the solution with split panes based on the workaround (sending keystrokes) - a bash
script invoking AppleScript code via osascript
Limitations, due to panes not being part of the dictionary:
- the other pane that is opened cannot be named
- no command can be sent to the other pane
#!/usr/bin/env bash
projectFolder="$HOME/Desktop" # example
osascript <<-EOF
tell application "iTerm"
tell (make new terminal) # Create a new pseudo terminal...
tell (launch session "Default session") # ... and open a session (window)
# Name the new window (its original pane).
set name to "Server"
# Execute the 'cd' command in the original pane.
write text "cd '$projectFolder'"
# Create a new split pane, horizontally, by sending ⌘⇧-D
tell application "System Events" to keystroke "d" using {shift down, command down}
# !! Note: We canNOT:
# - name this pane separately
# - execute a command in it.
# Return to the original pane, by sending ⌘-[
tell application "System Events" to keystroke "[" using {command down}
end tell
end tell
end tell
i term
by accident? – Pocketknife