If I look at the Package/Publish Settings of a web application in Visual Studio 2010, there is an option to "Include all IIS settings as configured in IIS Manager (used only for IIS Web projects)"
I am using IIS instead of the VS Dev Server to run my web application, but when I deploy the package that Web Deploy creates to a remote server, the IIS settings that get applied to my remote IIS application are at the least, unfamiliar, and at the worst, completely wrong.
For instance, my local IIS has 2 virtual directories (images, sounds). But when I deploy, it creates 4 completely different virtual directories (_controltemplates, _layouts, _vti_bin, _wpresources), and if I manually create the 2 correct vdirs on the remote server beforehand, Web Deploy will delete them. Where the heck did Web Deploy get those from? Web Deploy also mis-applied the correct authentication settings on the remote IIS application.
Since the "Include all IIS settings as configured in IIS Manager" setting doesn't seem to pick up the right settings, I ultimately want to be able to create some kind of configuration file that Web Deploy will use as part of its deploy package. Ideally something that I can check into source control. But I can't figure out from the documentation how to do this. I see something about parameterization and manifests, but I can't quite figure it out.