I want to on/off airplane mode in iOS programmatically. After googling, i got some of the following links, and followed them,
Reachability airplane mode (3G) vs. Wifi
Using Private Framework: Importing RadioPreferences.h
Detect if iPhone is in Airplane mode?
All of the above links, tell me to use AppSupport.framework and using RadiosPreferences.h. This is giving me the status about whether airPlane mode is on or off, But it doesn't make me to change the airplane mode.
Then i saw, this link, How to turn on/off airplane mode in IOS 5.1 using private API, that gives me the way for toggling airplane mode but it is using entitlements, which only works for jailbroken devices. Is there any way, to set Airplane mode programatically(can use private APIs but not entitlements).