I have recently implemented soft shadows using voxel cone tracing in OpenGL 4.3 by tracing a cone in the direction of the light and accumulating opacity values.
The key thing that I am trying to resolve or hide is the very voxelized shadowing effect as the occluded surface gets closer to the occluder, as well as hide the clear spots in the shadow due to surface voxelization. I am using low resolution voxels 64x64x64; however, even if I use higher resolution voxels, some of the low-res voxels at a higher mip-map level are still captured in the trace.
So here's what my first idea is: I want to be able to keep the softest parts of the shadow that is furthest away and replace the parts of the shadow that is closer to the occluder with a shadow map. The shadow map will fade as it is further away from each occluder and I will somehow blend it into with the cone traced shadows.
Can anyone think of a way to fade a shadow away based on distance from each object for a shadow-map and then have it blend smoothly into the cone-traced shadow?
Another idea I have would be to somehow ray-trace shadows onto surfaces that are closer to an occluder, but this would probably be too expensive.
Alternatively, I would welcome any other ideas to help improve my soft shadow algorithm.
I've also put up a video to show it in motion:
Still haven't found a way to resolve the shadowing issue.