I am trying to create a method that converts a regular sql statement to c# objects, So i decided to use Irony to parse the sql statement then i return the statement as an Action that contains the type of the statement and the values of it depending on the type
Here is my non completed code [ Because i got frustrated as i don't know what to do then ]
private List<Action> ParseStatement(string statement)
var parser = new Parser(new SqlGrammar());
var parsed = parser.Parse(statement);
var status = parsed.Status;
while (parsed.Status == ParseTreeStatus.Parsing)
if (status == ParseTreeStatus.Error)
throw new ArgumentException("The statement cannot be parsed.");
ParseTreeNode parsedStmt = parsed.Root.ChildNodes[0];
switch (parsedStmt.Term.Name)
case "insertStmt":
var table = parsedStmt.ChildNodes.Find(x => x.Term.Name == "Id").ChildNodes[0].Token.ValueString;
var valuesCount =
parsedStmt.ChildNodes.Find(x => x.Term.Name == "insertData").ChildNodes.Find(
x => x.Term.Name == "exprList").ChildNodes.Count;
var values = parsedStmt.ChildNodes.Find(x => x.Term.Name == "insertData").ChildNodes.Find(
x => x.Term.Name == "exprList").ChildNodes;
foreach (var value in values)
string type = value.Token.Terminal.Name;
return null;
private Type ParseType(string type)
switch (type)
case "number":
return typeof (int);
case "string":
return typeof (string);
return null;
So the Question Here is : How could i make use of Irony to convert a string SQL Statement to a c# objects ?
Here is an example of what i want to achieve :
INSERT INTO Persons VALUES (4,'Nilsen', 'Johan', 'Bakken 2', 'Stavanger')
And get it converted to
return new Action<string type, string table, int val1, string val2, string val3, string val4, string val5>;
Dynamically depending on what the method have read from the statement.
I hope i have well explained my idea so you can help me guys, And if there is something unclear please tell me and i will try to explain it.
return the statement as an Action that contains the type of the statement and the values of it depending on the type
An action does not contain any values - it's simply a delegate. Why are you returning an action? – Ess