I'm trying to get R to recognize that I have installed Rtools.exe. I've tried installing it in several different locations. However, whenever I restart R and load devtools
I get the same error:
> library(devtools)
WARNING: Rtools is required to build R packages, but is not currently installed.
Please download and install Rtools 3.0 from http://cran.r-project.org/bin/windows
/Rtools/ and then run find_rtools().
Naturally, whenever I try the function find_rtools()
I get the same error message. I'm done trying to figure this out with help files, as the devtools
help doesn't offer much. I've tried installing in several of the locations returned by get_path()
but the problem persists.
FYI, currently my R is installed at D:/R
Has anyone else had this problem, and more importantly, can anyone help me? I'm sorry if this is a duplicate, and I've tried to include as many relevant details as possible so if you need any clarification please let me know.
Thanks, Nick
and include the output? – Mathi> find_rtools(T) Scanning path... Scanning registry... WARNING: Rtools is required to build R packages, but is not currently installed. Please download and install Rtools 3.0 from http://cran.r-project.org/bin/windows/Rtools/ and then run find_rtools().
– Drydenget_path()
. – DrydenD:/Rtools
to your path? – MathiD:/Rtools/gcc-4.6.3/bin32
for good measure, but unfortunately I get the same problem. Do you think it has something to do with system path vs. user path? – DrydenSys.which("gcc")
return? – Mathigcc "D:\\Rtools\\GCC-46~1.3\\bin\\gcc.exe"
– Drydenls ""
– DrydenSys.which('ls')
, but I keep getting a blank. I made sure to add each individually and removing the one before it, and I always restart R. Would you know which is the correct version of ls.exe to add to the path? – DrydenRtools/bin
. And you're welcome – Mathidevtools
isWARNING: Rtools 3.1 found on the path at D:/Rtools is not compatible with R 3.0.1. Please download and install the appropriate version of Rtools from http://cran.r-project.org/bin/windows/Rtools/, remove the incompatible version from your PATH, then run find_rtools().
– Dryden