I am encountering some strange behavior for the following code.
function linkFunc(scope, element, attribute) {
var page = angular.element($window);
page.bind('scroll', function() {
var windowHeight = "innerHeight" in window ? window.innerHeight : document.documentElement.offsetHeight;
var body = document.body, html = document.documentElement;
var docHeight = Math.max(body.scrollHeight, body.offsetHeight, html.clientHeight, html.scrollHeight, html.offsetHeight);
var windowBottom = windowHeight + window.pageYOffset;
if (windowBottom >= docHeight) {
The above is a piece of code that detects if the bottom of the page is reached, if its reached it will call whatever function bind to myDirective
The main issue is that most of the time the lazy loading works, and myDirective
gets sucessfully called. However some of the times the lazy loading won't work, and I wasn't able to reproduce the bug.
I tried different screen size, different browser, but it seems like the bug just happens randomly.
Maybe someone have this happened to them before, and can point me a direction?
More information
I was able to reproduce the bug after a bit of experimenting.
Basically, when the zoom in percentage of the browser is < 100 %
, window.pageY
returns a decimal value that is slightly inaccurate which cause windowBottom
to be off by a 0.1
to 0.9
console.log(windowBottom); // 1646.7747712336175
console.log(docHeight); // 1647
Does anyone know why this happens?
Edit 2:
The above behavior is also non deterministic, but the decimal part is true.
on the value so you will get proper values without decimals. – Vend