I have this regular expression:
regex = %r{\A(?<foo> a\g<foo>a | b\g<foo>b | c)\Z}x
When I test it against several strings, it appears to be as powerful as a context free grammar because it handles the recursion properly.
# => #<MatchData "aaacaaa" foo:"aaacaaa">
# => #<MatchData "aacaa" foo:"aacaa">
# => #<MatchData "aabcbaa" foo:"aabcbaa">
# => nil
"Fun with Ruby 1.9 Regular Expressions" has an example where he actually arranges all the parts of a regex so that it looks like a context-free grammar as follows:
sentence = %r{
(?<subject> cat | dog | gerbil ){0}
(?<verb> eats | drinks| generates ){0}
(?<object> water | bones | PDFs ){0}
(?<adjective> big | small | smelly ){0}
(?<opt_adj> (\g<adjective>\s)? ){0}
Between his technique for rearranging the parts of the regex, and my example of recursive named capturing groups, does this mean Ruby 1.9 regular expressions have the power equivalent to a context-free grammar?