I've been attempting to port a Mac PackageMaker command line build to pkgbuild and productbuild but I'm stuck. Unfortunately I haven't found much of anything documenting how these new programs work except for this StackOverflow post and the pkgbuild and productbuild man pages.
Here's my problem. I've created a root install directory that has the following files in it:
/[library files...]
The command line call below worked great for PackageMaker. It created an installer that installed all of the files above.
$ /Developer/usr/bin/packagemaker \
--title "My Program" \
--root /some_path \
--version 1.0.0 \
--filter "\.DS_Store" \
--resources ./resources/ \
--scripts ./scripts/ \
--root-volume-only \
--domain system \
--verbose \
--no-relocate \
--target 10.5 \
--id com.my_company.pkg \
--out MyProgram.pkg
Now I'm trying to write this with pkgbuild and having a major problem. I use the following call:
$ pkgbuild \
--root /some_path \
--version 1.0.0 \
--install-location "/" \
--scripts "./scripts/" \
--identifier "com.my_company.pkg" \
This command builds an installer that copies the MyProgram.framework directory into /Library/Frameworks. However it does not install the MyProgram.app file into the /Applications directory. When I look at the installer logs I see this message:
Applications/MyProgram.app relocated to /some_path/Applications/MyProgram.app
Can anyone shed some light on why this isn't adding the MyProgram.app file into the /Applications directory like PackageMaker was doing?