I'm a bit late but maybe I can help others. You can access the IR camera by WinRT. If you want to do it with Python, a maintained winrt alternative winsdk should be used.
I followed this tutorial: Process media frames with MediaFrameReader
I skipped and simplified some sections of the code, but it does the job. Captured frames are shown in an OpenCV window. You can quit by pressing 'q'.
You have to pay attention for two constants in the script. camera_image_width
and camera_image_height
define the resolution of the captured frames. For my hardware they are 640 and 360. I don't know if this is a standard resolution for previewing a camera, they may be different for other hardwares. You can determine them by calling software_bitmap.pixel_height
and software_bitmap.pixel_height
after line 88.
The following Python packages must be installed:
- asyncio
- numpy
- opencv-python
- winsdk
Here's the whole script:
import asyncio
import time
import numpy as np
import cv2
from winsdk.windows.media.capture import MediaStreamType
from winsdk.windows.media.capture import MediaCapture
from winsdk.windows.media.capture import MediaCaptureInitializationSettings
from winsdk.windows.media.capture import MediaCaptureSharingMode
from winsdk.windows.media.capture import MediaCaptureMemoryPreference
from winsdk.windows.media.capture import StreamingCaptureMode
from winsdk.windows.media.capture.frames import MediaFrameSourceGroup
from winsdk.windows.media.capture.frames import MediaFrameSourceInfo
from winsdk.windows.media.capture.frames import MediaFrameSourceKind
from winsdk.windows.media.capture.frames import MediaFrameReader
from winsdk.windows.graphics.imaging import SoftwareBitmap
from winsdk.windows.graphics.imaging import BitmapPixelFormat
from winsdk.windows.storage.streams import Buffer
camera_image_width = 640
camera_image_height = 360
async def main():
##### Find the first infra source group #####
media_frame_source_groups = await MediaFrameSourceGroup.find_all_async()
infra_source_group: MediaFrameSourceGroup
infra_source_info: MediaFrameSourceInfo
# Iterating through source groups
for source_group in media_frame_source_groups:
for source_info in source_group.source_infos:
if source_info.media_stream_type == MediaStreamType.VIDEO_PREVIEW and source_info.source_kind == MediaFrameSourceKind.INFRARED:
infra_source_group = source_group
infra_source_info = source_info
# Check if there's available infra source
if infra_source_group is None or infra_source_info is None:
print("No infra source was found!")
##### Getting frames from infra camera #####
with MediaCapture() as media_capture:
# Settings for MediaCapture object
media_capture_settings = MediaCaptureInitializationSettings()
media_capture_settings.source_group = infra_source_group
media_capture_settings.sharing_mode = MediaCaptureSharingMode.EXCLUSIVE_CONTROL
media_capture_settings.memory_preference = MediaCaptureMemoryPreference.CPU
media_capture_settings.streaming_capture_mode = StreamingCaptureMode.VIDEO
await media_capture.initialize_async(media_capture_settings)
# Init frame reader
media_frame_reader: MediaFrameReader = await media_capture.create_frame_reader_async(media_capture.frame_sources[infra_source_info.id])
await media_frame_reader.start_async()
# Each frame must be dumped into a buffer
frame_buffer = Buffer(camera_image_width * camera_image_height * 4)
# Wait for frames
while True:
# Capturing with 20fps
# Get the latest available frame
media_frame_reference = media_frame_reader.try_acquire_latest_frame()
# If the frame is null, skip this cycle
if media_frame_reference is None:
# Try to read frame
with media_frame_reference:
# Boilerplate bullshit to extract bitmap data
video_media_frame = media_frame_reference.video_media_frame
if video_media_frame is None:
software_bitmap = video_media_frame.software_bitmap
if software_bitmap is None:
##### The bitmap is just fine #####
with software_bitmap:
# Convert image format
grayscale_bitmap = SoftwareBitmap.convert(software_bitmap, BitmapPixelFormat.RGBA8)
# Dump image data to byte buffer
# Create actual OpenCV image from byte buffer
image_array = np.frombuffer(frame_buffer, dtype=np.uint8).reshape(camera_image_height, camera_image_width, 4)
# If the image is all black, skip showing
if cv2.countNonZero(cv2.cvtColor(image_array, cv2.COLOR_RGBA2GRAY)) == 0:
cv2.imshow('Infrared camera', image_array)
if cv2.waitKey(1) == ord('q'):
Good luck!