I believe the main document would be Building (from the wiki eclipse website), assisted with some PDE-build directives.
Eclipse itself is built using the PDE build infrastructure that it ships with the Plug-in Development Environment. Ant is used to run the build, with adequate plug-points where in you can perform custom tasks such as instrumentation of code.
Now, regarding eclipse itself, the releng project is the one in charge of the actual building: that link gives you some further indications on how to proceed, beginning with the installation of the releng plugin.
It is not an actual precise recipe, but a good starting point.
You have further discussions on that blog, including the use of ant4eclipse.
Pluginbuilder can also be mentioned as a tool which may be used to facilitate the build of some Eclipse plugins.
12 years later, Aug. 2020, özkan pakdil proposes:
Based on:
git clone -b master --recursive git://git.eclipse.org/gitroot/platform/eclipse.platform.releng.aggregator.git e
export MAVEN_OPTS="-Xmx2048m -Declipse.p2.mirrors=false"
cd e
mvn verify -DskipTests