I'm developing my first iPhone app and I would greatly appreciate you guy's input on a problem I'm having.
I'm looking to implement scrolling both horizontally and vertically. I want the horizontal scrolling to be paged, without the vertical one being paged (scrolling "normally"). A single UIScrollView with pagingEnabled set to YES will page in both directions. The natural solution would be to nest a UIScrollView inside another one, however when I do that, I can't get the "inner" UIScrollView to scroll at all. Seems the outer one is "eating" up all the tap events, like in:
UIScrollView : paging horizontally, scrolling vertically?
I read something about "inner scrolling" being improved upon in SDK 3.0 and actually when I add an inner UITableView instead of a UIScrollView the scrolling works flawlessly. Since UITableView subclasses UIScrollView I imagine that my desired behavior should be achievable by making my own subclass of UIScrollView.
Is this the right approach? If so, what should this subclass look like?