I have a very large absorbing Markov chain (scales to problem size -- from 10 states to millions) that is very sparse (most states can react to only 4 or 5 other states).
I need to calculate one row of the fundamental matrix of this chain (the average frequency of each state given one starting state).
Normally, I'd do this by calculating (I - Q)^(-1)
, but I haven't been able to find a good library that implements a sparse matrix inverse algorithm! I've seen a few papers on it, most of them P.h.D. level work.
Most of my Google results point me to posts talking about how one shouldn't use a matrix inverse when solving linear (or non-linear) systems of equations... I don't find that particularly helpful. Is the calculation of the fundamental matrix similar to solving a system of equations, and I simply don't know how to express one in the form of the other?
So, I pose two specific questions:
What's the best way to calculate a row (or all the rows) of the inverse of a sparse matrix?
What's the best way to calculate a row of the fundamental matrix of a large absorbing Markov chain?
A Python solution would be wonderful (as my project is still currently a proof-of-concept), but if I have to get my hands dirty with some good ol' Fortran or C, that's not a problem.
Edit: I just realized that the inverse B of matrix A can be defined as AB=I, where I is the identity matrix. That may allow me to use some standard sparse matrix solvers to calculate the inverse... I've got to run off, so feel free to complete my train of thought, which I'm starting to think might only require a really elementary matrix property...
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