When creating a MailMessage object by calling the "CreateMailMessage" method on the MailDefinition class, the third parameter is an object of type System.Web.UI.Control.
MailDefinition mail = new MailDefinition();
ListDictionary replacements = new ListDictionary();
replacements.Add("<%myname%>", "John");
mail.BodyFileName = "~/App_Data/Emails/SomeEmail.txt";
mail.From = "[email protected]";
mail.Subject = "Hello";
MailMessage message = mail.CreateMailMessage("[email protected],", replacements, );
Why is that?
And in the case that I don't have an object of that type, what should I pass instead? Just a new Control object?
Control control = new Control();
I would highly recommend using Razor to build email templates. It has great syntax, works great, and doesn't have any weird dependencies!