When using Crossfilter (https://github.com/square/crossfilter), I specify functions to use when adding and removing data from a group. It's fairly trivial to keep track of a running average (using CoffeeScript):
reduceAdd = (p, v) ->
p.sum += v.digit;
reduceRemove = (p, v) ->
p.sum -= v.digit;
reduceInitial = ->
count: 0
sum: 0
average: ->
return 0 if this.count == 0
return this.sum / this.count
Is it possible to keep track of the max and min of each group? I can't figure out a way short of keeping all elements in a huge array and doing a d3.min / d3.max. It seems that adding/removing data would be extremely inefficient.
I also looked for a way to tell Crossfilter to completely rebuild the group from scratch, rather than removing items from an existing group. If a filter is applied, the group is reset and rebuilt. Nothing obvious.