Struggled a while getting this job done in another way using EF-Core conventions. I discovered a way to add so called "Plugins" which implement the IConventionSetPlugin
interface with which you can add custom conventions. It needs some additional code to get EntityFramework to use the plugin.
But first things first, let's create our PropertyAttributeConvention
public class DefaultValueAttributeConvention : PropertyAttributeConventionBase<DefaultValueAttribute>
public DefaultValueAttributeConvention(ProviderConventionSetBuilderDependencies dependencies) : base(dependencies) { }
protected override void ProcessPropertyAdded(IConventionPropertyBuilder propertyBuilder, DefaultValueAttribute attribute,
MemberInfo clrMember, IConventionContext context)
propertyBuilder.HasDefaultValue(attribute.Value, fromDataAnnotation: true);
Here we just say the ef propertybuilder to use the default value defined in our [DefaultValue]
To add the convention we need to create a custom plugin class:
public class CustomConventionSetPlugin : IConventionSetPlugin
public ConventionSet ModifyConventions(ConventionSet conventionSet)
conventionSet.PropertyAddedConventions.Add(new DefaultValueAttributeConvention(null));
return conventionSet;
For our plugin to get used, we have to create an ef extension class (which itself contains another ExtensionInfo
public class CustomDbContextOptionsExtension : IDbContextOptionsExtension
public void ApplyServices(IServiceCollection services)
services.AddSingleton<IConventionSetPlugin, CustomConventionSetPlugin>();
public void Validate(IDbContextOptions options) { }
public DbContextOptionsExtensionInfo Info => new CustomDbContextOptionsExtensionInfo(this);
private class CustomDbContextOptionsExtensionInfo : DbContextOptionsExtensionInfo
public CustomDbContextOptionsExtensionInfo(IDbContextOptionsExtension extension) : base(extension) { }
public override long GetServiceProviderHashCode() => 0;
public override void PopulateDebugInfo(IDictionary<string, string> debugInfo) { }
public override bool IsDatabaseProvider => false;
public override string LogFragment => "";
In the extension class we're adding our plugin class to the EF-ServiceCollection
The last step is to go to our DbContext
and add our extension. This can be done in the OnConfigure
public class MyDatacontext : DbContext
protected override void OnConfiguring(DbContextOptionsBuilder optionsBuilder)
((IDbContextOptionsBuilderInfrastructure)optionsBuilder).AddOrUpdateExtension(new CustomDbContextOptionsExtension());
Now the [DefaultValue]
attribute can be used on our entity properties.
If we want to add different custom conventions we dont have to create all that extension/plugin classes again. Just create a new convention class and add it through our existing plugin class to the convetionSet