I have a line plot of prices for three stocks, which I normalise by taking the percentage change from the beginning of the period I am looking at. This seems to work fine, but instead of the coloured lines on a grey background that currently make up the legend key, I would like squares or circles of colour next to the key label.
Is this even possible in ggplot2? Any pointers, however brief, appreciated. Code to produce the chart follows below.
Date <- c("2011-09-19","2011-09-20","2011-09-21","2011-09-22",
CoA <- c(100,100,95,93,88,91,98,109,115,106)
CoB <- c(16.5,16.8,17.2,17,17.5,16.5,16,15.5,16.1,16.3)
CoC <- c(3.2,3.18,3.15,3.12,3.15,3.1,3.08,3.11,3.35,3.42)
prices <- data.frame(Date,CoA,CoB,CoC)
changes <- as.data.frame(matrix(nrow=nrow(prices),ncol=ncol(prices)))
for(i in 2:ncol(prices)){ # calculate changes in price
changes[,i]= (prices[,i]-prices[,i][1])/prices[,i][1]
colnames(changes) <- colnames(prices)
changes <- melt(changes, id = "Date")
changes$Date <- as.Date(as.character(changes$Date))
chart1 <- ggplot(data=changes,aes(x=changes$Date,y=changes$value,colour=changes$variable))
chart1 <- chart1 + geom_line(lwd=0.5) + ylab("Change in price (%)") + xlab("Date") +