OK, I got it.
The idea is, as I said, to calculate the similarity only between the new batch of files and the existing ones, which their similarity is unchanged. The problem is to keep the TfidfVectorizer's vocabulary updated with the newly seen terms.
The solution has 2 steps:
- Update the vocabulary and the tf matrices.
- Matrix multiplications and stacking.
Here's the whole script - we first got the original corpus and the trained and calculated objects and matrices:
corpus = [doc1, doc2, doc3]
# Build for the first time:
vect = TfidfVectorizer(min_df=1, stop_words="english", use_idf=False)
tf_matrix = vect.fit_transform(corpus)
similarities = tf_matrix * tf_matrix.T
similarities_matrix = similarities.A # just for printing
Now, given new documents:
new_docs_corpus = [docx, docy, docz] # New documents
# Building new vectorizer to create the parsed vocabulary of the new documents:
new_vect = TfidfVectorizer(min_df=1, stop_words="english", use_idf=False)
# Merging old and new vocabs:
new_terms_count = 0
for k, v in new_vect.vocabulary_.items():
if k in vect.vocabulary_.keys():
vect.vocabulary_[k] = np.int64(len(vect.vocabulary_)) # important not to assign a simple int
new_terms_count = new_terms_count + 1
new_vect.vocabulary_ = vect.vocabulary_
# Build new docs represantation using the merged vocabulary:
new_tf_matrix = new_vect.transform(new_docs_corpus)
new_similarities = new_tf_matrix * new_tf_matrix.T
# Get the old tf-matrix with the same dimentions:
if new_terms_count:
zero_matrix = csr_matrix((tfidf.shape[0],new_terms_count))
tf_matrix = hstack([tf_matrix, zero_matrix])
# tf_matrix = vect.transform(corpus) # Instead, we just append 0's for the new terms and stack the tf_matrix over the new one, to save time
cross_similarities = new_tf_matrix * tf_matrix.T # Calculate cross-similarities
tf_matrix = vstack([tf_matrix, new_tfidf])
# Stack it all together:
similarities = vstack([hstack([similarities, cross_similarities.T]), hstack([cross_similarities, new_similarities])])
similarities_matrix = similarities.A
# Updating the corpus with the new documents:
corpus = corpus + new_docs_corpus
We can check this by comparing the calculated similarities_matrix
we got, with the one we get when we train a TfidfVectorizer
on the joint corpus: corpus + new_docs_corpus
As discussed in the the comments, we can do all that only because we are not using the idf (inverse-document-frequency) element, that will change the representation of existing documents given new ones.