I've this script right now.
def r(this)
require this
puts "#{this} is now loaded."
rescue LoadError
puts "The gem '#{this}' is missing."
puts "Should I install it? [y/n]"
data = gets
if data =~ /yes|y/i
puts "Installing #{this}, hold on."
if `gem install #{this}` =~ /Successfully/i
load this
puts "Okey, goodbye."
That makes it possible to require libs on the fly.
Like this: r "haml"
The problem is that I can't load the gem after it has been installed.
Using load this
or load File.expand_path("~/.irbrc")
does not work.
Here is an example.
>> r "absolutize"
The gem 'absolutize' is missing.
Should I install it? [y/n]
Installing absolutize, hold on
LoadError: no such file to load -- absolutize
>> require "absolutize"
LoadError: no such file to load -- absolutize
>> exit
$ irb
>> require "absolutize"
=> true
Is there a way to reload rubygems or irb on the fly?