As referenced here and updated for use with Snap.svg here, I'd like to better understand how the provided gradSearch function actually works (it's a bit over my head), and whether there are any good alternatives to this approach?
gradSearch = function (l0, pt) {
l0 = l0 + totLen;
var l1 = l0,
dist0 = dist(path.getPointAtLength(l0 % totLen), pt),
if (dist(path.getPointAtLength((l0 - searchDl) % totLen), pt) >
dist(path.getPointAtLength((l0 + searchDl) % totLen), pt)) {
searchDir = searchDl;
} else {
searchDir = -searchDl;
l1 += searchDir;
dist1 = dist(path.getPointAtLength(l1 % totLen), pt);
while (dist1 < dist0) {
dist0 = dist1;
l1 += searchDir;
dist1 = dist(path.getPointAtLength(l1 % totLen), pt);
l1 -= searchDir;
return (l1 % totLen);