I made attachment_fu rails3 compatible.
See https://github.com/mihael/attachment_fu
EDIT: but it is broken for some users, and i am not maintaining it further, so please look into other solutions, if you do not want to hack it yourself ;)
I tested paperclip vs carrierwave vs attachment_fu with rails3.0.3 for a project I am working on.
So far attachment_fu works very well as always, but the code still needs some refactoring with the callback system. It has backends for cloudfiles, s3.
Paperclip is also very good and is very easy to use. The basic setup did not let me upload movies (had to add option :whiny=>false), and it did not sanitize filenames the way I expected. This is how I did it:
class Asset < ActiveRecord::Base
has_attached_file :file, :styles => { :small => "300x300>", :thumb => "50x50>" }, :whiny => false
before_create :sanitize_file_name
def sanitize_file_name
self.file.instance_write( :file_name, file_file_name.gsub(/[^A-Za-z0-9\.\-]/, '_'))
Paperclip has s3 backend, but does not have a backend for cloudfiles built-in. There is a paperclip fork for that (google for paperclip-cloudfiles) which is built for rails2.3.5 (search github for paperclip_demo).
Carrierwave looks very nice, with the decoupled architecture, but I do not like the fact that it does not delete stuff on updates and destroys of objects, leaving a bunch of files and directories on disk. The basic carrierwave setup also did not let me upload movies, although it sanitizes filenames nicely. I did not found a quick fix for this, yet. If You are using Mongoid and GridFS, carrierwave has built in support.
Finally, I took Paperclip for my project.