If I have a class (that mimic some of STL's container) like this:
class Elem {
void prepare(); // do something on *this
// ...
class Selector {
typedef vector<Elem *> container_type;
typedef container_type::iterator iterator;
iterator begin() { return cont_.begin(); }
iterator end() { return cont_.end(); }
void check_all();
prepare_elem(Elem *p); // do something on 'p'
container_type cont_;
If I want to call prepare() for all elements in 'cont_', I could make the following function:
void Selector::check_all() {
for_each(cont_.begin(), cont_.end(), mem_fun(&Elem::prepare));
My question is, what if I want to call Selector::prepare_elem() for all elements in 'cont_'? My initial approach won't compile:
void Selector::check_all() {
for_each(cont_.begin(), cont_.end(),
Second approach also failed:
void Selector::check_all() {
for_each(cont_.begin(), cont_.end(),
bind1st(mem_fun(&Selector::prepare_elem), this));
Is there anyway to use std::for_each() to call Selector::prepare_elem()?
If there's way, I'd like to know a solution without boost.
? Otherewise, there is no issue. – Furculum