We've set Google Analytics GA4 event transfer via Measurement Protocol. We followed documentation fully - https://developers.google.com/analytics/devguides/collection/protocol/ga4/sending-events?client_type=gtag
Everything was fine in test GA counter, but after moving on production counter events stopped getting into interface (though keep being sent to connected Google BigQuery).
To be clear, we can see that events are counted, but not users.
We changed only API secret and Measurement ID in our configuration. The major difference between test and prod counters: production is linked to Google AdWords and GoogleBigQuery.
Would be very grateful for any ideas and insights in that case.
const measurement_id =
G-XXXXXXXXXX; const api_secret =
<project_api>; fetch(
google-analytics.com/mp/collect?measurement_id=${measurement_id}&api_secret=${api_secret}, { method: "POST", body: JSON.stringify({client_id: 'XXXXXXXXXX.YYYYYYYYYY', user_id: 'id-XXXXXX' , events: [{name: 'account_activation', params: {},}]})});
– Capitalism