I want send POST HTTP request via CustomTab or Chrome then show page finally. I many research but no way for it. is there a way? can send POST request via Volley then show response in browser finally?
POST data via CustomTab or Chrome
no way really? :( –
Even on desktop, there's no way to day this. See #4798034. –
I wrote a workaround for that.
Careful, is a dirty one ;)
- you need to create an html file with a form inside it
- add input fields to it corresponding to the values you need to pass to your url
- add this file to your asset folder
- on android code:
- read the content of the file
- save the content to the external cache directory
- >>THIS STEP IS FUNDAMENTAL<< from now on follow these instructions (@Skotos's answer on how to open a local html with a custom tab intent https://mcmap.net/q/782745/-i-want-to-load-a-local-html-file-through-chrome-custom-tab-is-that-workable)
this is my html file called form_template.html
in the assets folder:
function submitForm() {
<body onload="submitForm()">
<form id="form" action="{{url}}" method="{{method}}" enctype="{{enctype}}">
end this is how i pass dynamically url and values to it
Map<String, String> values = ImmutableMap.of(
"fooKey", "fooValue", // whatever you
"barKey", "barValue" // need here
try {
File redirect = new File(activity.getExternalCacheDir(), "redirect.html");
// To get string from input stream look at here https://mcmap.net/q/277643/-read-assets-file-as-string
String templateString = getStringFromInputStream(activity.getAssets().open("form_template.html"));
List<String> inputFields = new ArrayList<>();
for (String key : values.keySet()) {
inputFields.add(String.format("<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"%s\" value=\"%s\" />", key, values.get(key)));
templateString = templateString.replace("{{url}}", url);
templateString = templateString.replace("{{method}}", method); // eg. "POST"
templateString = templateString.replace("{{enctype}}", encodeType); // eg. "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
templateString = templateString.replace("{{fields}}", StringUtil.join("\n", inputFields));
FileOutputStream fileOutputStream = new FileOutputStream(redirect);
Uri uri = FileProvider.getUriForFile(activity, BuildConfig.ApplicationId + ".provider", redirect);
new Handler().postDelayed(redirect::delete, 5000);
CustomTabsIntent.Builder builder = new CustomTabsIntent.Builder();
CustomTabsIntent customTabsIntent = builder.build();
customTabsIntent.launchUrl(this, packageName, url);
} catch (IOException e) {
Thanks a ton.. although there was 1sec lag due to form submission, apart from that it worked great. Also just make sure that {{fields}} should be replaced by the <input/> tags with proper id, name and value –
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