In Jaspersoft Studio I have created a report where I want to display title in bold. If I use sans serif font then it is working correctly. If I use other fonts, bold is displayed in the preview of Jaspersoft Studio, but is not showing when the report is run in the Jasper server. Please help.
Adding maven artifact worked for me
You need to create a jasper fonts extension jar and place it into your classpath both compile-time (while compiling the jrxmls) as well as run-time (while running reports). Here is how the jar (e.g. jasperreports-fonts-5.5.2.jar) should look:
The should contain few properties to initialize fonts. (I have used spring based fonts initialization. You might need to add couple of spring jars like spring-core, spring-beans etc. to your classpath if not already present.)
Now the fonts.xml to defined what fonts you want to add.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<beans xmlns=""
<bean id="fontBean001" class="net.sf.jasperreports.engine.fonts.SimpleFontFamily">
<property name="name" value="Tahoma"/>
<property name="normal" value="fonts/Tahoma.ttf"/>
<property name="bold" value="fonts/Tahoma_Bold.ttf"/>
<property name="pdfEmbedded" value="true"/>
<bean id="fontBean002" class="net.sf.jasperreports.engine.fonts.SimpleFontFamily">
<property name="name" value="Arial"/>
<property name="normal" value="fonts/Arial.ttf"/>
<property name="bold" value="fonts/Arial_Bold.ttf"/>
<property name="italic" value="fonts/Arial_Italic.ttf"/>
<property name="boldItalic" value="fonts/Arial_Bold_Italic.ttf"/>
<property name="pdfEmbedded" value="true"/>
Note the property "pdfEmbedded"
is "true"
. Finally add the .ttf file for the fonts you want to add to jar.
Just go to this site for adding your custom fonts to PDF with Jasper:
Custom Font with the Font Extension
There's an illustrated guide showing you how to create it. Just download a *.ttf file for your font (eg.: Arial.ttf.)
Create the extension and export it as a *.jar file with the help of Eclipse.
Finally add the *.jar to your project. That's it.
I've found a solution that worked for me, It may help you too.
- Problem:
So, I was using Jaspersoft Studio to render a Pdf for my project. I used a bunch of Text Fields and Static Texts. I used "Calibri" font. I found out that when I export my Pdf using Spring Boot service, the bold, italic and bolditalic properties were missing. I found that some of my Static texts had their styling.
- Solution:
I just opened the Source code of my jrmxl file, and find out that some Text Fileds had:
<textElement markup="styled">
<font fontName="Calibri" size="9"/>
and some:
<textElement markup="styled">
<font size="9"/>
The ones without 'fontName="Calibri"' had their styling, so I did it for all the text component. and I left the style component in the header like this:
<style name="boldItalic" fontName="Calibri" isBold="true" isItalic="true"/>
<reportElement x="1" y="10" width="95" height="20" uuid="55eee6a7-1a94-4d89-a54d-79992a400cd6"/>
<textElement verticalAlignment="Bottom">
<font fontName="Calibri" size="9" isBold="true" pdfFontName="Helvetica-Bold" isPdfEmbedded="true"/>
<text><![CDATA[Item Code]]></text>
Need to add pdfFontName="Helvetica-Bold"
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