Sorry for being late to the party.
I am new to TPL and I am wondering: How does the asynchronous
programming support that is new to C# 5.0 (via the new async and await
keywords) relate to the creation of threads?
is not introduced for thread creation, but to utilize the current thread optimally.
Your app might read files, wait for response from another server or even do a computation with high memory access (Simply any IO task). These tasks are not CPU intensive (Any task that will not use 100% of your thread).
Think about the case when you are processing 1000 non CPU intensive tasks. In this case, process of creating 1000s of OS level thread might eat up more CPU and Memory than doing actual work on a single thread (4mb per thread in Windows, 4MB * 1000 = 4GB). At the same time if you run all the tasks sequentially, you might have to wait until the IO tasks gets finished. Which end up in long time to complete the task, while keeping the CPU idle.
Since we require parallelism to complete multiple tasks quickly, at the same time all parallel tasks are not CPU hungry, but creating threads is inefficient.
The compiler will break the execution at any method call to an async
method (which gets called with an await) and immediately execute the code outside of the current code branch, once an await
is reached, the execution will go inside the previous async
. This will be repeated again and again until all the async calls are completed and their awaiters
are satisfied.
If any of the async method have heavy CPU load without a call to an async method, then yes, your system will become unresponsive and all the remaining async methods will not get called until the current task is finished.
is implemented. You should read But be warned. We shall dive deep. – Piroshki