I am using Firebase Cloud Functions to handle the back-end process for In-App-Purchases. If I purchase a subscription (on Flutter/Android client), the purchase flow works without problems. However, when the first Renewal happens, I get first a Real Time Developer Notification that the Subscription has Expired, and around 50 Seconds later I get a new notification that the subscription got renewed.
Detailed Process is as follows:
1. Purchase subscription on Client (at the moment in internal testing Mode)
--- Start of Google Cloud Logging Events (hh:mm:ss):
2. 00:00:00 - Notification Subscription Purchased Triggered (empty function, only prints to console)
3. On Client, InAppPurchaseConnection purchaseUpdatedStream (Flutter) is triggered, Client sends data to back-end and Cloud Function verifyPurchase is triggered.
4. 00:00:03 - verifyPurchase function execution started
5. 00:00:05 - Status 200 response received
6. 00:00:06 - Acknowledge Response received (Status 204)
7. Until here all is good and I can see the correct data in Firestore DB
8. 00:04:08 - Notification Subscription Expired Triggered
(back-end revokes subscription, leaving the user without any additional services she/he purchased)
Subscription Status response:
{ "startTimeMillis":"1616129098091",
-> Cancel Reason here states: 0. User canceled the subscription (which is not the case)
-> AcknowledgementState is 1: Acknowledged
Please see: REST API REF Resource: SubscriptionPurchase
9. 00:05:01 - Notification Subscription Renewed Triggered From here on everything works as expected and the user receives the services she/he paid for.
10. ~ 16. 00:10:01 ~ 00:35:20 - Notification Subscription Renewed Triggered 4x times, then cancelled and expired (expected behaviour)
--- End of Google Cloud Logging Events.
export const verifyPurchase = functions.region("asia-northeast3").https.onCall(async (data, context) => {
const {sku, purchaseToken, packageName, purchaseType} = data;
const userId: string = context.auth?.uid ?? "";
functions.logger.log(`USER ID: ${userId}`);
let result = 0;
try {
await authClient.authorize();
if (purchaseType === PurchaseType.subscription) {
const subscription = await playDeveloperApiClient.purchases.subscriptions.get({
packageName: packageName,
subscriptionId: sku,
token: purchaseToken,
functions.logger.log("SUBSCRIPTION BEING PROCESSED");
if (subscription.status === 200 && subscription?.data?.paymentState === 1 || subscription?.data?.paymentState === 2) {
functions.logger.log(`SUBSCRIPTION STATUS: ${subscription.status}`);
if (!subscription.data.linkedPurchaseToken) {
const subscriptionData: any = {
"transactionId": purchaseToken,
"userId": userId,
"expirationDateMs": subscription.data.expiryTimeMillis,
"disabled": false,
"platform": "android",
"receipt": data,
"rawData": subscription.data,
await admin.firestore().collection("subscriptions").add(subscriptionData).then(
async (value) => {
[...user Data being updated on DB...]
const acknowdlegeResponse = await playDeveloperApiClient.purchases.subscriptions.acknowledge({
packageName: packageName,
subscriptionId: sku,
token: purchaseToken,
requestBody: {
functions.logger.info(`ACKNOWLEDGE RESPONSE SUBSCRIPTION: ${JSON.stringify(acknowdlegeResponse)}`);**
} else {
await subscriptionChange(purchaseToken, userId, data, subscription);
result = subscription.status;
} else {
const oneTimePurchase = await playDeveloperApiClient.purchases.products.get({
[...part for one time purchases...]
} catch (e) {
// handle error
functions.logger.error("verifyPurchase ERROR");
functions.logger.log(`RETURN RESULT: ${result}`);
return result;
So I don't exactly understand why step 8 (expired) happens. I would appreciate any help.