I've written a fairly simple java application that allows you to drag your mouse and based on the length of the mouse drag you did, it will shoot a ball in that direction, bouncing off walls as it goes.
Here is a quick screenshot:
alt text http://img222.imageshack.us/img222/3179/ballbouncemf9.png
Each one of the circles on the screen is a Ball object. The balls movement is broken down into an x and y vector;
public class Ball {
public int xPos;
public int yPos;
public int xVector;
public int yVector;
public Ball(int xPos, int yPos, int xVector, int yVector) {
this.xPos = xPos;
this.yPos = yPos;
this.xVector = xVector;
this.yVector = yVector;
public void step()
posX += xVector;
posY += yVector;
public void checkCollisions()
// Check if we have collided with a wall
// If we have, take the negative of the appropriate vector
// Depending on which wall you hit
public void draw()
// draw our circle at it's position
This works great. All the balls bounce around and around from wall to wall.
However, I have decided that I want to be able to include the effects of gravity. I know that objects accelerate toward the earth at 9.8m/s but I don't directly know how this should translate into code. I realize that the yVector will be affected but my experimentation with this didn't have the desired effect I wanted.
Ideally, I would like to be able to add some gravity effect to this program and also allow the balls to bounce a few times before settling to the "ground."
How can I create this bouncing-elastic, gravity effect? How must I manipulate the speed vectors of the ball on each step? What must be done when it hits the "ground" so that I can allow it to bounce up again, but somewhat shorter then the previous time?
Any help is appreciated in pointing me in the right direction.
Thanks you for the comments everyone! It already is working great!
In my step() I am adding a gravity constant to my yVector like people suggested and this is my checkCollision():
public void checkCollision()
if (posX - radius < 0) // Left Wall?
posX = radius; // Place ball against edge
xVector = -(xVector * friction);
else if (posX + radius > rightBound) // Right Wall?
posX = rightBound - radius; // Place ball against edge
xVector = -(xVector * friction);
// Same for posY and yVector here.
However, the balls will continue to slide around/roll on the floor. I assume this is because I am simply taking a percentage (90%) of their vectors each bounce and it is never truly zero. Should I add in a check that if the xVector becomes a certain absolute value I should just change it to zero?