I need to get base address of stack inside my running process. This would enable me to print raw stacktraces that will be understood by addr2line (running binary is stripped, but addr2line has access to symbols).
I managed to do this by examining elf header of argv[0]
: I read entry point and substract it from &_start
#include <stdio.h>
#include <execinfo.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <elf.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
void* entry_point = NULL;
void* base_addr = NULL;
extern char _start;
/// given argv[0] will populate global entry_pont
void read_elf_header(const char* elfFile) {
// switch to Elf32_Ehdr for x86 architecture.
Elf64_Ehdr header;
FILE* file = fopen(elfFile, "rb");
if(file) {
fread(&header, 1, sizeof(header), file);
if (memcmp(header.e_ident, ELFMAG, SELFMAG) == 0) {
printf("Entry point from file: %p\n", (void *) header.e_entry);
entry_point = (void*)header.e_entry;
base_addr = (void*) ((long)&_start - (long)entry_point);
/// print stacktrace
void bt() {
static const int MAX_STACK = 30;
void *array[MAX_STACK];
auto size = backtrace(array, MAX_STACK);
for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
printf("%p ", (long)array[i]-(long)base_addr );
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
printf("&_start = %p\n",&_start);
printf("base address is: %p\n", base_addr);
// elf header is also in memory, but to find it I have to already have base address
Elf64_Ehdr * ehdr_addr = (Elf64_Ehdr *) base_addr;
printf("Entry from memory: %p\n", (void *) ehdr_addr->e_entry);
return 0;
Sample output:
Entry point from file: 0x10c0
&_start = 0x5648eeb150c0
base address is: 0x5648eeb14000
0x1321 0x13ee 0x29540f8ed09b 0x10ea
Entry from memory: 0x10c0
And then I can
$ addr2line -e a.out 0x1321 0x13ee 0x29540f8ed09b 0x10ea
How can I get base address without access to argv
? I may need to print traces before main()
(initialization of globals). Turning of ASLR or PIE is not an option.
on Linux – Sarilda