I am performing a sign-up action and in my backend when the user successfully registers I return his id e.g. "105" and when the register fails (user already exists) I return "USER_EXISTS". I have checked the request on Postman and the body of the response is correct.
In both cases, I return "plain/text".
However, I am not able to find how to get the body of the response through the Observable object that I get return.
In register.component.ts:
userExists = "";
onSubmit() {
const newUser : RegisterUser = { email: this.register.email,
password: this.register.password,
firstName: this.register.firstName,
lastName: this.register.lastName,
phoneNumber: this.register.phoneNumber}
.subscribe(response => (this.userExists = response)); //The purpose of this line is to get the body of the text/plain response and assign it into the this.userExists string
In RegisterService.service.ts
addUser (registerUser) {
return this.http.post(this.apiRoot + "User/add", registerUser, httpOptions);
return this.http.post(this.apiRoot + "User/add", registerUser, httpOptions).pipe(map((response: any) => response.text()));
since the code you posted I think is not compatible with my version of rxjs (or I am failing with the imports). However, I receive the following error in the console:ERROR TypeError: response.text is not a function
– Elastin