I implemented a small prototype based on a standard UIPageViewController subclass, and autolayout constraints for the parallax effect.
It's quite fully documented, if you want to have a look : TestParallax
In a nutshell, the heart of the parallax is done in the scrollViewDidScroll
delegate method:
extension PageViewController: UIScrollViewDelegate {
func scrollViewDidScroll(_ scrollView: UIScrollView) {
let screenWidth = scrollView.bounds.width
In a UIPageViewController, the initial contentOffset.x is not 0, but equal to the screen width
(so that the offset goes between (1 * screenWidth) and 0 when going to the previous view controller,
and from (1 * screenWidth) to (2 * screenWidth) when going to the next view controller).
Also, it's reset to the screenWidth when the scroll to a previous or next view controller is complete.
Therefore, we calculate a new 'horizontalOffset' starting at 0, and going:
- negative from 0 to (-screenWidth/2) when scrolling to the next view controller,
- and from 0 to (screenWidth/2) when scrolling to the previous view controller.
let horizontalOffset = (scrollView.contentOffset.x - screenWidth)/2
// Special case: initial situation, or when the horizontalOffset is reset to 0 by the UIPageViewController.
guard horizontalOffset != 0 else {
previousPageController?.offsetBackgroundImage(by: screenWidth/2)
currentPageController?.offsetBackgroundImage(by: 0)
nextPageController?.offsetBackgroundImage(by: -screenWidth/2)
// The background image of the current page controller should always be offset by the horizontalOffset (which may be positive or negative)
guard let currentPageController = currentPageController else { return }
currentPageController.offsetBackgroundImage(by: horizontalOffset)
if horizontalOffset > 0 { // swiping left, to the next page controller
// The background image of the next page controller starts with an initial offset of (-screenWidth/2), then we apply the (positive) horizontalOffset
if let nextPageController = nextPageController {
let nextOffset = -screenWidth/2 + horizontalOffset
nextPageController.offsetBackgroundImage(by: nextOffset)
} else { // swiping right, to the previous page controller
// The background image of the previous page controller starts with an initial offset of (+screenWidth/2), then we apply the (negative) horizontalOffset
if let previousPageController = previousPageController {
let previousOffset = screenWidth/2 + horizontalOffset
previousPageController.offsetBackgroundImage(by: previousOffset)
s to determine which view is presented. Any ideas? – Maniple