I'm trying to animate a circle and just moving it horizontally which works fine. However while the circle is moving, I have to do a clearRect over that circle so that it redraws it self in the horizontal direction. When I do a clearRect it also makes the background have white box around so effectively its going to be one white horizontal line in the direction the circle is moving.
- Is there a way to clear the circle without clearRect?
- If I have to keep redrawing the background after clearRect the canvas will flicker when theres say 10 circles moving in that area.
Any other approaches to solving this?
function drawcircle() {
context.arc(X, Y, R, 0, 2*Math.PI, false);
context.lineWidth = 0.3;
context.strokeStyle = "#999999";
if (X > 200)
clearTimeout(t); //stop
//move in x dir
X += dX;
t = setTimeout(drawcircle, 50);
function clear() {
context.clearRect(X-R, Y-R, 2*R, 2*R);