No. As is indicated in the nature and content of the error, the class-name reference in the associated form files (.dfm) is not namespace qualified and neither are the corresponding resource ID's.
Form class-names must be unique within/across an application.
Similarly, class names of components referenced in a DFM (including controls placed on the form) must also be unique since these also are not namespace qualified.
To promote/ensure unique component/control classnames, a system of prefixes has been adopted by vendors and component developers. That is, Every class produced by a vendor or in a suite of components etc will share a common prefix in addition to their usual name.
For example, if a company called ACME were to provide a library of enhanced, standard UI controls, they might name them:
In order to distinguish them from the standard (non-prefixed) VCL controls or from other vendor controls (using a different prefix).
The Delphi Prefix Registry is a community run/supported web site maintains a list of these prefixes (of most use to developers of control/component libraries to ensure they pick a prefix that is not already in use).
I'm not sure how FMX application resources are handled and it may be possible in that case. But just because I don't know that it doesn't work doesn't mean that it does.
to stop the resource conflict, and addedtype TExampleFormName = class(TExampleFormName2);
– Disfigurement