I'm creating simple video-chat one-to-one using PeerJS and React. Everything is working fine except the camera muting. When participant A muting camera, it's muting on both clients but when participant A unmutes it, participant B can see only the static image instead of the opponent video.
I have a global state webcamState
which changed when the corresponding button was clicked:
const videoRef = useRef<any>(null);
const webcamState = useSelector(getWebcamState);
const [stream, setStream] = useState<MediaStream | null>(null);
const [isWebcamLoading, setIsWebcamLoading] = useState(true);
const loadUserMedia = () => {
{ video: webcamState, audio: micState },
(newStream: MediaStream) => {
videoRef.current.srcObject = newStream;
(err: any) => {
useEffect(() => {
if (videoRef?.current?.srcObject) {
videoRef.current.srcObject.getVideoTracks().forEach((track: any) => (track.enabled = webcamState));
if (!webcamState) {
videoRef.current.srcObject.getVideoTracks().forEach((track: any) => track.stop());
} else {
}, [webcamState]);
Then this stream
exporting from this hook and passed into another to initialize Peer call (and peer answer as well):
export interface IPeerOptions {
opponentVideoRef: React.MutableRefObject<null>;
currentVideoRef: React.MutableRefObject<null>;
currentStream: MediaStream;
userId: string;
export const initializePeerCall = (options: IPeerOptions): Peer => {
const call = options.peer.call(options.opponentId, options.currentStream);
call.on('stream', stream => {
options.opponentVideoRef = setVideo(options.opponentVideoRef, stream);
call.on('error', err => {
call.on('close', () => {
console.log('Connection closed');
return options.peer;
No errors appear in the console
But if I will remove the following line: videoRef.current.srcObject.getVideoTracks().forEach((track: any) => track.stop());
everything will work fine as expected
Maybe anyone faced something similar?
UPD: I tried this but the result was the same:
useEffect(() => {
if (videoRef?.current?.srcObject) {
videoRef.current.srcObject.getVideoTracks().forEach((track: any) => (track.enabled = webcamState));
if (!webcamState) {
videoRef.current.srcObject.getVideoTracks().forEach((track: any) => track.stop());
} else {
}, [webcamState]);
const onOpponentVideoStatusChanged = (newStatus: boolean) => {
setOpponentState(prev => {
return { microphoneState: !!prev?.microphoneState, webcamState: newStatus };
options.opponentVideoRef.current.srcObject.getVideoTracks().forEach((track: any) => (track.enabled = newStatus));
As I understand after long investigation, user B still getting the same stream after user A created a new one. How can I fix it?
which creates a new stream each time when video turns on. Or maybe I do it wrong way? – Repentance