Here is my solution for just printing the file backwards. It is quite memory-friendly. And seems more readable (IMO [=in my opinion]).
It goes through the file backwards, count the characters till start of a line or start of the file and then reads and prints that amount of characters as a line, then moves cursor back and reads another line like that...
if( $v = @fopen("PATH_TO_YOUR_FILE", 'r') ){ //open the file
fseek($v, 0, SEEK_END); //move cursor to the end of the file
/* help functions: */
//moves cursor one step back if can - returns true, if can't - returns false
function moveOneStepBack( &$f ){
if( ftell($f) > 0 ){ fseek($f, -1, SEEK_CUR); return true; }
else return false;
//reads $length chars but moves cursor back where it was before reading
function readNotSeek( &$f, $length ){
$r = fread($f, $length);
fseek($f, -$length, SEEK_CUR);
return $r;
while( ftell($v) > 0 ){ //while there is at least 1 character to read
$newLine = false;
$charCounter = 0;
//line counting
while( !$newLine && moveOneStepBack( $v ) ){ //not start of a line / the file
if( readNotSeek($v, 1) == "\n" ) $newLine = true;
//line reading / printing
if( $charCounter>1 ){ //if there was anything on the line
if( !$newLine ) echo "\n"; //prints missing "\n" before last *printed* line
echo readNotSeek( $v, $charCounter ); //prints current line
fclose( $v ); //close the file, because we are well-behaved
Of course replace PATH_TO_YOUR_FILE
with your own path to your file, @
is used when opening the file, because when the file is not found or can't be opened - warning is raised - if you want to display this warning - just remove the error surpressor '@'.