I'm currently using the ApplicationInitialization feature of IIS to warm up my ASP.NET application. I've set the attribute remapManagedRequestsTo to "warmup.html".
<applicationInitialization remapManagedRequestsTo="warmup.html" skipManagedModules="true" doAppInitAfterRestart="true" >
<add initializationPage="/home" />
<add initializationPage="/about-us" />
It's working well but I would like to return a custom status code when the content for Warmup.html is returned to the browser. This is so that when I run some smoke tests after deployment I get to know when the warm up has finished.
I've tried using URL Rewrite to change the status code from 200 to 555 to serve up warmup.html and it does change the status code but doesn't serve the content in warmup.html
<rule name="Change warm up status code" stopProcessing="true">
<match url="warmup.html" />
<action type="CustomResponse" statusCode="555" subStatusCode="0"/>
Is there a way I can do both the serving of warmup.html's content AND return a custom status code of 555?