I have a Java Eclipse RCP program in which I have a a long string inside a JFace combobox. Now when I am in the same view,The combobox attaches a scroll over it to show the full name. but as soon as I re size the window of the application, the combobox stretches itself to accommodate the lengthy string.
How do i make the combobox stay the same size. Like the size of it should remain fixed even after I resize the window. Here are two screen shots to demonstrate the issue.
P.S. I am using a comboViewer and inside it a comboBox.
Thanks in advance.
preferredResourceCombo.setLayoutData(new GridData(SWT.FILL, SWT.CENTER, true, false));
– FuscowidthHint
of theGridData
– Rabblerouserint horizontalAlignment, int verticalAlignment, boolean grabExcessHorizontalSpace, boolean grabExcessVerticalSpace, int horizontalSpan, int verticalSpan
in which I setgrabExcessHorizontalSpace
to false. Still If I resize I get the same result. What else could I try?? – Fusco