I am trying to build my spring boot project with this command:
./gradlew build
But it continuously throws this error:
'Execution failed for task ':compileJava'. invalid source release: 11'.
My project is using Java version 11, and the IntelliJ Java version is set to 11 as well.
This is the Java version settings on my IntelliJ that I have done so far:
Settings - Build, Execution, Deployment - Build Tools - Gradle
-> set to 11.Settings - Build, Execution, Deployment - Compiler - Java Compiler - Project bytecode version
-> set to 11.java -version command on IntelliJ Terminal
-> set to 11.0.12
Project Structure - Project Settings - Project - Project SDK: -> set to 11.
Project Structure - Project Settings - Modules - Module SDK: -> set to 11.
Project Structure - Platform Settings - SDKs - JDK home path:
-> set to 11.
build.gradle - sourceCompatibility, targetCompatibility
-> set to 11.
After all of this when I run
./gradlew build
I think I've done everything possible. Is there any other settings that I can try ??