I'm currently trying to rotate a sprite depending on how many degrees(or rads, I prefer degrees) it differs from facing straight towards a target, the problem is when the target reaches a certain position the sprites decides to do rotate a full 360 to other way instead of doing the 10 extra. This picture probably explains the problem better:
Blue square = target
Red square = the object
Green line = rotation it wants
Black line = current rotation
Brown arrow = how it rotates to achieve this
Red arrow = how I want it to rotate.
Note that Case 1 always work, depending what way it rotates, but Case 2 it always does that rotation, no matter if it is to the "right" or "left" of the current rotation.
This is the code I'm using to rotate the object.
Vector2 distance = new Vector2(target.worldPos.X - this.worldPos.X, target.worldPos.Y - this.worldPos.Y);
float wantRot = (float)Math.Atan2(distance.Y, distance.X);
if (this.rotation < wantRot)
this.rotation += MathHelper.ToRadians(45) * Time.deltaTime;
if (this.rotation > wantRot)
this.rotation -= MathHelper.ToRadians(45) * Time.deltaTime;
What i want to achieve is have it rotate (in Case 2) according to the red arrow instead of the brown one.
NOTE: I'm not an expert at programming, I've only done it from time to time for the past year(Mainly simple 2D Shooter/shoot'em up kind of games), so in depth explanation would be appreciated. I'm also a student learning programming.
PS: Suggestions for Title would also be appreciated as I had absolutely no idea what to put there.