Currently I am exposing a few Spring Data Repositories as RESTful services by annotating them with @RepositoryRestResource like this:
@RepositoryRestResource(collectionResourceRel = "thing1", path = "thing1")
public interface Thing1Repository extends PagingAndSortingRepository<Thing1, String> {}
@RepositoryRestResource(collectionResourceRel = "thing2", path = "thing2")
public interface Thing2Repository extends CrudRepository<Thing2, String> {}
This all works great. When you hit my first endpoint is also shows all the Spring Data Repositories I have exposed, like this:
_links: {
thing1: {
href: "http://localhost:8080/thing1{?page,size,sort}",
templated: true
thing2: {
href: "http://localhost:8080/thing2"
Now I have some endpoints I want to expose that cannot be represented by Spring Data Repositories, so I am using a RestController.
Here is a simple example:
public class Thing3Controller {
EntityLinks entityLinks;
Thing3DAO thing3DAO;
//just assume Thing3.class extends ResourceSupport. I know this is wrong, but it makes the example shorter
@RequestMapping(value = "/{id}", produces = "application/json")
Thing3 thing3(@PathVariable("id") String id)
Thing3 thing3 = thing3DAO.findOne(id);
Link link = entityLinks.linkToSingleResource(Thing3.class, id);
return thing3;
Now if I run this app and go to:
I do get a JSON representation of the Thing3 with a link to itself, that works as expected.
What I want to figure out how to do is have the first endpoint also describe this controller. I basically want this:
_links: {
thing1: {
href: "http://localhost:8080/thing1{?page,size,sort}",
templated: true
thing2: {
href: "http://localhost:8080/thing2"
thing3: {
href: "http://localhost:8080/thing3"
What do I need to do to get my base endpoint to have a link to this controller?
method from. How do you manager for a collection of entities ? – Hohenlohe