In order to get 100% coverage of my Saga files I'm looking into how to test watchers.
I've been googling around, there are several answers as to HOW to test watchers. That is, saga's that do a takeEvery
or takeLatest
However, all methods of testing seem to basically copy the implementation. So what's the point of writing a test if it's the same?
// saga.js
import { delay } from 'redux-saga'
import { takeEvery, call, put } from 'redux-saga/effects'
import { FETCH_RESULTS, FETCH_COMPLETE } from './actions'
import mockResults from './tests/results.mock'
export function* fetchResults () {
yield call(delay, 1000)
yield put({ type: FETCH_COMPLETE, mockResults })
export function* watchFetchResults () {
yield takeEvery(FETCH_RESULTS, fetchResults)
Test method 1:
import { takeEvery } from 'redux-saga/effects'
import { watchFetchResults, fetchResults } from '../sagas'
import { FETCH_RESULTS } from '../actions'
describe('watchFetchResults()', () => {
const gen = watchFetchResults()
// exactly the same as implementation
const expected = takeEvery(FETCH_RESULTS, fetchResults)
const actual =
it('Should fire on FETCH_RESULTS', () => {
Test method 2: with a helper, like Redux Saga Test Plan
It's a different way of writing, but again we do basically the same as the implementation.
import testSaga from 'redux-saga-test-plan'
import { watchFetchResults, fetchResults } from '../sagas'
import { FETCH_RESULTS } from '../actions'
it('fire on FETCH_RESULTS', () => {
.takeEvery(FETCH_RESULTS, fetchResults)
Instead I'd like to simply know if watchFestchResults
takes every FETCH_RESULTS. Or even only if it fires takeEvery()
. No matter how it follows up.
Or is this really the way to do it?