First: I know isn't a good idea do a full scan in Cassandra, however, at moment, is that what I need.
When I started look for do someting like this I read people saying wasn't possible do a full scan in Cassandra and he wasn't made to do this type of thing.
Not satisfied, I keep looking until I found this article:
Look like pretty reasonable and I gave it a try. As I will do this full scan only once and time and performance isn't a issue, I wrote the query and put this in a simple Job to lookup all the records that I want. From 2 billions rows of records, something like 1000 was my expected output, however, I had only 100 records.
My job:
public void run() {
Cluster cluster = getConnection();
Session session = cluster.connect("db");"Starting ...");
boolean run = true;
int print = 0;
while ( run ) {
if (maxTokenReached(actualToken)) {"Max Token Reached!");
ResultSet resultSet = session.execute(queryBuilder(actualToken));
Iterator<Row> rows = resultSet.iterator();
if ( !rows.hasNext()){
List<String> rowIds = new ArrayList<String>();
while (rows.hasNext()) {
Row row =;
Long leadTime = row.getLong("my_column");
if (myCondition(myCollumn)) {
String rowId = row.getString("key");
if (!rows.hasNext()) {
Long token = row.getLong("token(rowid)");
if (!rowIds.isEmpty()) {"Keys found! RowId's: %s ", rowIds));
actualToken = nextToken(token);
public boolean maxTokenReached(Long actualToken){
return actualToken >= maxToken;
public String queryBuilder(Long nextRange) {
return String.format("select token(key), key, my_column from mytable where token(key) >= %s limit 10000;", nextRange.toString());
public Long nextToken(Long token){
return token + 1;
Basically what I do is search for the min token allowed and incrementally go until the last.
I don't know, but is like the job had not done the full-scan totally or my query had only accessed only one node or something. I don't know if I'm doing something wrong, or is not really possible do a full scan.
Today I have almost 2 TB of data, only one table in one cluster of seven nodes.
Someone already has been in this situation or have some recommendation?