I can't understand the downvote. I thought some people would know how to do it using just an option, without the need of manually tansforming every NA.
As I think it could be important and useful for other users I've also asked on openxlsx's github development page and they replied:
In case anybody is interested, if you update to the dev version with
you will get support for this feature.
the default behaviour now is converting NAs to blanks
And if we want to have #N/A we must use the option keepNA = TRUE
the option keepNA = TRUE keeps the #N/A
df <- head(iris)
df[2,3] <- NA
df[2,5] <- NA
df[3,5] <- NaN
openXL(write.xlsx(df, file = tempdir()))
df <- head(iris)
df[2,3] <- NA
df[2,5] <- NA
df[3,5] <- NaN
openXL(write.xlsx(df, file = tempdir(), keepNA = TRUE))
df[] <- lapply(df, function(x) {x[is.na(x)] <- "";x})
– Bascule