I have a view that is part of a page, I am using HTMX to update this view multiple times (each time is a new question, the user answers, then the next question is shown). The rest of the page does NOT reload.
My issue is, every time the view is updated to ask a new question, it hits the database to get all the questions. Is there any way to pass all the questions on to all subsequent views, without hitting the database every time? I tried to pass it to the template, then back to the view, but that seems like a sup-optimal solution, and I could not get it to work anyway (it did not send objects back to the view, just characters).
Here is the view.py:
def question(request):
questions = Question.objects.all()
if request.method == 'POST':
## do stuff with the users answer, get next question
answer = (request.POST.get("answer"))
return render(request, 'interview/question.html', context)
Here is the question.html:
<form method="post">
{% csrf_token %}
<input class="input" name="answer" type="text"></input><br><br>
<input type="submit" value="Next Question" class="is-fullwidth pg-button-secondary"
hx-post="{% url 'interview:next_question' %}"
hx-vals = '{"questionNumber": "{{ question.question_number}}", "questions": "{{ questions}}"}'