I am currently recompiling gtk+ and dependencies from source (I have no other choices).
All my custom packages are installed in a specific custom point (let's call it /packages
) (it can seem odd but this time again, I have no other choices).
When I try to recompile pango, it needs freetype.
Freetype is already installed in /packages/freetype/2.1.10/amd64-linux
(lib, include ... are in this directory) and the different config path are set (LD_LIBRARY_PATH
configuration of pango run well. It find freetype and generate the Makefile.
When I try to make, I get the following error :
libtool: link: warning: library `/packages/freetype/2.1.10/amd64-linux//lib/libfreetype.la' was moved.
grep: /usr/local/lib/libfreetype.la: No such file or directory
libtool has a problem with my lib (but libfreetype.la exists in the directory /packages/freetype/2.1.10/amd64-linux//lib/
and there's no problem of access). So libtool try to find it in the "classic places" like /usr/...
and don't find it.
At the beginning, I thought that libtool get confused with the two slashes (probably due to an error in the --prefix flag during the compilation of freetype) so I did recompile freetype without the typo but it didn't change anything.
Has anybody an idea to help me ? I have never used libtool in my personnal projects before so I don't know if there's a way to solve this strange behavior... (It's maybe irrelevant but libtool is version 1.5.22)
Thanks in advance.