I am using doxygen to generate a chm document for my header files. I have a problem in removing the path of the source (i.e header files) in my chm. For example if the path of my header files is c:\users\dx\Desktop\myprogram, my path seems to appear in the file reference, right below File List and File Members (i.e when i click on files -> and then on my header file name i am able to see the absolute path of my header files ) The link below is an image of a screen shot of the problem i am facing.
How do i remove the directory reference, header file reference, how can i prevent those paths from displaying?
I tried removing source_browsers, verbatim_headers, strip_from_inc_path none of them worked
Thanks in advance.
Ps- Extremely sorry about the poor description, i hope the link would help to understand my problem