I have a PC Software (OS: Win 64bit) that communicates with a machine via physical serial port RS232 and I want to make a sniffer for that port using a python. Please note that I am beginner to serial ports.
I've read multiple documents and questions posted online but most of them asks to just use 3rd-party software, but I cannot do this way because raw bytes have to be decoded into string message (I have my way own of decode/encode method).
Currently I have setup like this:
/////////////////// Physical COM1 /////////////
// (PC) Software // <------------------------> // Machine //
/////////////////// /////////////
And I want a python to output any bytes that went through COM1.
Desired Behavior diagram (Virtual serial port has a question mark because I'm not sure if that is the right approach):
/////////////////// Physical COM1 /////////////
// (PC) Software // <------------------------> // Machine //
/////////////////// | Virtual /////////////
| serial port?
// (PC) Sniffer // (Python)
(output bytes)
Those of who knows Advanced Serial Port Monitor, its "spymode" functionality is exactly what I am trying to achieve using python.
I've tried to use com0com and PortMon but I can't find a way to configure com0com to sniff physical port (as far as my observation goes, com0com only makes virtual ports) and PortMon does not support Windows 64-bit.
I've been stuck at this for days... any comments/links/answers are appreciated. Thank you,